Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cetus the Whale

 Well, here in the southern hemisphere we've just had Australian Beltane (although the non-Pagans thought it was "Halloween"). So what did I do on this night (besides tie up my front gate with string to keep the "trick or treaters" from knocking on the door, because last year they tore the wire screen, so insistent were they on forcing us to acknowledge them), I went to a play The Room of Regret, which is basically a re-telling of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, with my good chum, and then we went to The George. Why am I telling you this? Mainly because I already have an entry on Australian Beltane, the link to which is above. So I didn't want to repeat myself in that regard. Obviously I didn't do anything in like what I've got in that post this Beltane though... Another reason for this post is because now that this blog is being archived (see the post below), I had better start supplying some more copy. Stay tuned for a post on my PhD research topic: Tree Cult in Minoan glyptic. Obscure topic? Wait and see?

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